Thursday, June 10, 2010

Shoes or a life?

I found this compelling vid on Unreasonable Faith:

BTW, I regularly read the blogs of nontheists (which is where I found this video). I'd definitely recommend that, whether you're a theist or atheist, you read quality blogs by those on the other side of the God divide. It's a good reality check.


  1. (1) Indeed, a wonderful video. Thanks for sharing a video shared by an atheist

    (2) Question stands, if you don't believe in any gods, is there any reason to believe in kindness, mercy and forgiveness. I think so. Like the movie said -- "Empathy".

  2. Sabio,

    Yes, I do believe it's possible to believe in kindness, mercy, and forgiveness regardless of one's beliefs about God. I think the argument that atheists can't be moral is absurd and a perversion of the teachings of C.S. Lewis regarding the moral law.

  3. Very glad to hear. Now then, if Atheist can be moral, do you believe that even without believing in God or Jesus in this life they can still enjoy eternity pleasantly with God when they see him unobstructed by human interpretations in the next life?

  4. There are multiple perspectives regarding eternal destinies within the realm of orthodox Christianity. To be perfectly candid, I'm not 100% sure what the answer is to that question.

    I do know that Christianity teaches that morality by itself isn't sufficient to put one in a right relationship with God. So, I *guess* the answer would be that a rejection of God in this life prevents one from enjoying the presence of God as it will be manifested in eternity.

    It's important to realize that I don't believe I or any Christian can claim complete understanding regarding how everything will work out in the end.

    Peace, friend.

  5. Good, I think, for a theist, such humility toward that question is important and actually allows a theist to become a genuine friend with a non-theist.

    Awareness, amigo
